.....Digimon..........Pokémon..........Star Wars..........guardians..........The Site.....

New!Gijinka Pokémon -Yay! I finally got freeservers to upload my gijinka pics. Theyre really cool so go check them out!
New fake Pokémon -Lots of pics and descriptions of some Pokémon I made up.
mewTWO pics -just like it says: pics by me of Mew and Mewtwo.

Beginnings -part one of a Pokémon fan-fic I'm working on.
All Wet -I think thats what I called it. Oh well. This is part 2 of the same story.
Circus -Once again, I'm not sure on the title '^^ Its part 3.
Badges -Hmmm, I cant even keep my own titles straight! Oh well. Part 4.

Nursery -Here you can adopt Chibi Pokémon and Digimon for your site! I hope you like them!

Are You a Pokéaddict? -Once again, the title says it all. Twenty ways to tell if youre addicted to Pokémon.