Mewtwo's Lair: Gijinka Pokémon
.....Digimon..........Pokémon..........Star Wars..........guardians..........The Site.....

After doing Gijinka Digimon, I thought I should add some Pokémon to my Gijinka collection. So here they are!

Gijinka Arcanine
Artist's Comments: I tried to make Arcanine very human, so instead of tufts of fur I put bandanas.

Gijinka Articuno
Artist's Comments: I pictured Articuno as a very cold person. I also like the tail on her.

Gijinka Cubone
Artist's Comments: I sent a version of this pic to a place called 'into the digiworld' and the webmistress wrote back and said that the pic looked a lot like her. Wowwie!

Gijinka Dragonair
Artist's Comments: Dragonair looks very important yet caring. Maybe I should have called her Mistress Dragonair.

Gijinka Haunter
Artist's Comments: I drew both a girl and a boy Haunter. The boy is holding what I dubbed 'ghost fire'.

Gijinka Moltres
Artist's Comments: Moltres is definately mad at someone. Check out the fire in his eyes! Actually, I enjoyed doing the bg for this one.

Gijinka Serebii
Artist's Comments: Serebii is soooo kawaii! But I just found out in english her (yes, this Pokémon is a girl) name is going to be Selebii and she's going to be even rarer than Mew so you can only get her at special events which they never have near where I live :(.

Gijinka Zapdos
Artist's Comments: Just in case you didnt figure it out, Zapdos is flying, not standing on his toes. Zapdos signifies the end of this round of gijinka.