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Gijinka Agumon
Artist's notes: This is the second pic of a human Agumon I did. The first one turned out wierd because I was trying to make Gijinka Agumon alot more digimon than human (He DOES NOT look good bald) and trying to make him sorta fierce. Agumon doesnt look good in fierce.
Gijinka Agumon 2
Artist's notes: An older version of Agumon. Here, Agumon is sleeping through a period (with that thick of a textbook, its most likely English) BTW, just because Gijinka Agumon is sleeping through school, doesnt mean you should.
Gijinka Biyomon
Artist's notes: This is also the second attempt for Gijinka Biyomon. Unlike Gijinka Agumon, Biyomon did not change much. BTW, if you fell like drawing a Gijinka Biyomon, watch out. Those funky blue and pink feathers can be a pain to draw.
Gijinka Biyomon 2
Artist's notes: This has to be one of my absolute favorites. I really like the way Gijinka Biyomon's dress came out. Since it happens to be Prom season, its probably a prom dress. (I wish I had one like that!)
Gijinka Gabumon
Artist's notes: The first pic I did of Gabumon looked really wierd. (Its hard to remember where all those stripes go!) Besides, I wanted to give Gabumon more of a lonely feel, sorta like Matt.
Gijinka Gabumon 2
Artist's notes: I did this pic after I visited Project digidestiny and saw the Gijinka Gatomon that the webmistress did. I decided that I liked that stile Gijinka digimon, so I did it. In this pic Gabumon is really embarrased about something (then again, if you had a horn sticking out of your head, you might be embarrased too.
Gijinka Gatomon
Artist's notes: This is almost an exact copy of the first try I did. It may look like Gijinka Gatomon's paws/hands stayed the same, but I did give her thumbs (look very carefully at the left hand).
Gijinka Gatomon 2
Artist's notes: This Gijinka Gatomon looks much older that the previous one and also looks more human. I like her boots (I used to have boots like that, but my dog chewed them up.)
Gijinka Gomamon
Artist's notes: This is the second pic I did of Gomamon. I tried to make him in that pose where he's facing half forward and looking back with his mouth open smiling. I really like the background on this one.
Gijinka Gomamon (2)
Artist's notes: This is actually the first pic I did of Gomamon. This one is probably my fav. He's sposed to be washing his hand in a stream (or just playing in the water.) The background is a bunch of fishies. ^_^
Gijinka Gomamon 3
Artist's notes: Yes, I really like Gomamon (I think he's so cute.) In this one, Gomamon is about high-school age and is carying his books around. Although if it were my school, I'd be carrying about four times that many books for first and second period only (I hate english.)
Gijinka Palmon
Artist's notes: You probably already know that this is the second pic I did of Gijinka Palmon. The first pic made her look too skinny. I also had her wearing a dress of vines rather than a dress of super huge leaves (like lillimon's!) The things on her wrists are not bracelets, theyre vines (all the digimon can still perform their various attacks.)
Gijinka Palmon 2
Artist's notes: This is a really cool pic I did of Gijinka Palmon at high-school age. I really like her hair and the background, which match.
Gijinka Patamon
Artist's notes: 2nd pic again. It took me forever to get the bat ears right. Dont ask me what he's doing in this pic (I guess he's pointing to himself.) I just draw them in whatever pose I feel like and really goes good with them.
Gijinka Patamon 2
Artist's notes: This is a Jr. High aged Gijinka Patamon with a love for skateboarding. In this pic, Gijinka Patamon looks like he's got some attitude and didn't like those funny bat ears (maybe he hid them under his hat . . .) I think his shirt is cool.
Gijinka Salamon
Artist's notes: 2nd pic. I had drawn Gijinka Gatomon, and then I decided I should draw Gijinka Salamon because I had all the other digimon in their rookie-stage. I like the background on this one too.
Gijinka Tentomon
Artist's notes: Guess which # pic of Tentomon this is. If you guessed 2nd, you just won a million dollars (JUST KIDDING!) I know I messed up on Tentomon's outer wings. Actually, Tentomon is a hard one to draw as a Gijinka Digimon because he's so extremely digimon.
Gijinka Tentomon 2
Artist's notes: I finally got the new pics of Gijinka Tentomon and Patamon up. In this pic, Gijinka Tentomon just got hit with a football and is sort of dizzy. I guess bugs just aren't really good football players!